Gardening on the Central Coast
With the Marina Tree & Garden Club
Friendships Grow in the Garden
Join a community of fearless gardeners that are not afraid of wind, sand and gray summers. MT&GC offers camaraderie, activities, events and civic projects.
Upcoming Events
Spring Seed Exchange

Spring General meeting with Potluck and Speaker Jeff Nilsen of Bokay Nursery
Marina Library Landscape Project
The new library landscape is in place with much love from the community. Thank you to all that came to work towards improving the the front library entrance. We could not do it without you!

Marina Garden Tour 2024

MT&GC School Garden Grant Program
School Grants Awarded for 2024–2025The club is delighted to award eight deserving Marina schools $250 each for garden projects. Julie Haws, our School Grant Outreach member-at-large sent out a request for applications to schools in October. Checks were delivered to the teachers who received grants before Thanksgiving. The grants went to the following schools:
Ione Olsen Elementary School
Jessica Ramirez, Grades TK–K Funds to plant a variety of vegetables, flowers and herbs for her Gardening and Insect Units.
Ione Olsen Elementary School
Llyana Charita, Grades 3–4 Funds to work on a planting activity to help students learn more about parts of the plant and its life cycle.
Marina Vista Elementary Arts Academy
Evanna Debaran, Grade 6 Funds for a Container Gardening Project. Students will nurture their own plants which will teach them about responsibility, encourage scientific inquiry, and promote environmental stewardship.
Marina Vista Elementary Arts Academy
Christy Daly, Grade 1 Students will grow pumpkins to eventually take home. They will learn about soil types, composting and worm bins, native wildflowers and more.
Learning for Life Charter School
Kenneth Lawrence-Emanuel, Grades 7–12 Funds for a worm composter that will augment their established garden and composter.
JC Crumpton School
Amanda Sharpshair, Grade 2 Funds will help beautify their campus with pollinator plants and native/drought tolerant plants; and will complete garden science projects.
Los Arboles Middle School
Julie Haws, Grades 7–8 The students have stated that they want to grow food to eat. Money will be spent on buying soil, seeds, starters and potting containers.
Marina High School
Marisa Benham, Grades 9–12 The students will build and maintain a garden on campus to give the campus a more welcoming and inviting feel.

Our Mission
Marina Tree & Garden Club (MT&GC) encourages civic beautification projects. We cultivate and plant trees and gardens and improve roadsides and public spaces to create a welcoming and pleasant environment for Marina’s residents.
MT&GC funds grants to Marina schools to foster school gardens and support science based projects that promote horticulture.
MT&GC cooperates with other organizations and agencies to encourage conservation, horticulture, gardening and landscape design.
Our funds are used to promote urban tree planting, education, advocate for water wise, climate appropriate gardens with an emphasis on utilizing California native plants. If you would like to support our programs, please consider a donation.
Contact our club:
P.O. Box #373 • Marina, CA • 93933-0373 -or- info@marinatreeandgarden.org