MTGC Related Gardening Links
Although our club does not recommend any particular arborist—the link below can be used to find bonded and insured local arborists.
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Learn about selecting, planting, caring for, pruning, and much more about trees for your street
Fruit Trees
Links for choosing climate appropriate fruit trees for the home garden.
Backyard Orchards (pdf)
University of California Davis “Selecting Fruit, Nut and Berries in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties” a proven list of edible tree and shrubs that grow well in Zone 17
California Rare Fruit Growers
CRFG members share information; exchange seeds, plants and scion wood; give garden tours; exhibit displays and staff information booths at fairs and shows; hold plant sales; and give classes on propagation, pruning and grafting for members
Dave Wilson Fruit trees for the backyard orchard
Catalog of fruit trees and shrubs for home gardens. Tips on selection, pruning, planting, articles, photos and more!
Dave Wilson Fruit trees for the backyard orchard
Catalog of fruit trees and shrubs for home gardens. Tips on selection, pruning, planting, articles, photos and more!

Native Plant Resources
The California Native Plant Society created this very useful website. CalScape provides photos, cultivation information and the locations native plants occur naturally through out the state. Search for native plants by type, growing conditions, and use.
Native & Drought Tolerant Nurseries
Local nurseries list that specialize in native plants and unusual garden delights. Local gardener resource list.
Blue Moon Native Plant Nursery
38200 Buckeye Road, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 • by arrangement
Bokay Nursery
30 Hitchcock Road, Salinas, CA 93901 • (831) 455-1868
Central Coast Wilds
336 Golf Clubs Drive, Santa Cruz 95060 • (831) 459-0656
Drought Resistant Nursery
850 Park Ave, Monterey CA 93940 • (831) 375-2120
7421 Cypress Lane, Carmel CA 93922 • (831) 624-6226
Rana Creek Nursery
7495 Williams Ranch Road, Carmel, CA 93923 • (831) 659-2830
P.O. Box 96, Freedom, CA 95019-0096
Regan Biological & Horticultural Nursery
8 Aliso Road
Carmel Valley, California 93924
Sierra Azul
660 East Lake Avenue (Highway 152) Watsonville, CA 95076 • (831) 763-0939
Succulent Gardens
2133 Elkhorn Road, Castroville, CA 95012 • (831) 632-0482

Planting Calendar for Foggy Areas
Handy planting calendar that can be used for planning your coastal garden. Based on information from Golden Gate Gardening, by Pamela Peirce.
Planting for Pollinators
Looking for plants to increase pollinator traffic in the home garden? These links are a great start to making a bee friendly garden.
Las Pilitas Nursery
List of native bee plants and great photos of native bees
UC Berkeley Native Bee Garden
Brief history of the Urban Bee project at UC Berkeley
Western Horticulture Society
Very good list of bee friendly natives and their flowering times
The Xerces Society
Plant lists for native bees in pdf format for California gardens

Related local links
California Garden Clubs
Our parent organization – a confederation of garden clubs through out California
California Invasive Plant Council
provides an on-line brochure on invasive plant species to avoid planting in your garden
California Native Garden Foundation
provides classes, lectures, and workshops on water-wise gardening, 12 months of color in your garden, designing a native garden, native edibles, and more.
California Native Plant Society
Dedicated to the preservation of California Native Flora. Lots of related information and great links to native plants nurseries
California Native Plant Society Monterey Chapter
California Native Flora appreciation and education through meetings, events, activities & field trips. Concise local plant listings with images
Native plant resource for home gardeners to explore and locate climate appropriate plants for their region. Includes an online customizeable garden designer application
Lose the Lawn
Helpful information on how to replace your lawn, use less water & chemicals, save money
Marina Coast Water District
Useful links to information on water saving and district rebate programs including links to local nurseries featuring native and drought tolerant plant selections
Monterey Bay Friendly Landscape
This program encourages water-wise, pollinator friendly, low maintenance gardens by by offering certification. A qualified rater visits the garden to ensure your garden meets the very achievable landscaping requirements. It is free to be certified and you get a nifty sign to display in your garden too.
Monterey Regional Parks District
Find information about our local Locke Paddon Community Park, Marina Dunes Preserve, and South Monterey Bay Dunes
Monterey Bay Master Gardeners
Learn more about Master Gardeners in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties
Our Water Our World
A concise list of non-toxic pest control alternatives that can be used in the garden. In partnership with local agencies to reduce pollution runoff into our waterways by education and outreach
University of California Master Gardeners
Many useful links to Information, events and activities through out the state
USDA database of plants in the US and its territories with images and information